
Seasonal Survey At-Sea Mini-Doc
Follow along CFF’s At-Sea Research Team conducting Seasonal Survey research project on Georges Bank. Our team collects critical data to monitor scallop populations, bycatch species, and ecosystem health - work that helps ensure the sustainability of one of the world’s most valuable fisheries.
Read the Project Wrap-Up and learn more about the project here
Videos - Research Assistant Cassandra Tillotson
Text - Research Biologist Luisa Garcia

With funding provided by the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium and the New Jersey Research and Monitoring Initiative for offshore wind, CFF and collaborators (NEFSC, Dr. Robinson, Viking Village) deployed the first camera tag on a loggerhead sea turtle in offshore waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight in July 2024. This work complements the hundreds of satellite tags deployed by CFF and NEFSC in the region over the last ten years by adding video footage to help interpret sea turtle behavior during dives.

This video was created using clips from footage collected by the Coonamessett Farm Foundation and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (as part of its AMAPPS project) with substantial support from the Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside Program, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center, NOAA’s Teacher at Sea Program, NEFSC’s Drifter Program, the National Marine Life Center, the Southeast Fisheries Science Center, and the Northeast Regional Office.