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Peer-Reviewed Publications

Peer-reviewed publications


Chan YW, Robinson NJ, Dourdenville K, Haas H, Nielsen J, Paladino FV, Prescott R, Patel SH. 2025. Heavy metal concentrations suggest pollution risk varies between sea turtle species in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Chemosphere 373 (2025) 144190


Clyde-Brockway CE, Patel SH, Blanco G, Friederichk SJ, Morreale S, Paladino FV. 2025. Pacific Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, Association with Ocean Currents and Seasonal Effects of Upwelling using Real-Time Argos Locations. Frontiers in Fish Science. doi: 10.3389/frish.2024.1476026


Rider MJ, Avens L, Haas HL, Harms CA, Patel SH, Snodgrass D, Sasso CR. 2024. Regional variation in leatherback dive behavior in the northwest Atlantic. Endangered Species Research. 10.3354/esr01365.

Rider MJ, Avens L, Haas HL, Hatch J, Patel SH, Sasso C. 2024.Where the leatherbacks roam: Movement behavior analyses reveal novel foraging locations along Northwest Atlantic shelf. Frontiers in Conservation Science. 10.3389/fmars2024.1325139.

Patel SH, Alexander R, Davis F, Garcia L, Jennings N, Pappas W, Shivers N, Trenholm N. 2024. The first deployments of pop‐up satellite archival tags on black sea bass (Centropristis striata). Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries. 4(4):e171.

Rogers R, Choate KH, Crowe LM, Hatch JM, James MC, Matzen E, Patel SH, Sasso CR, Siemann LA, Haas HL. 2024. Investigating leatherback surface behavior using a novel tag design and machine learning. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 576:152012

Switzer TS, Keenan SF, Munnelly RT, Parks SL and others (2024) Red snapper excavate sediments around artificial reefs: observations of ecosystem-engineering behavior by a widely distributed lutjanid. Aquat Biol 33:69-74.​​


Hatch JM, Murray KM, Patel SH, Smolowitz RJ, Haas HL. 2023. Evaluating simple measures of spatial-temporal overlap as a proxy for encounter risk between a protected species and commercial fishery. Frontiers in Conservation Science. 10.3389/fcosc.2023.1118418.


Forbes ZR, Scro AK, Patel SH, Dourdeville KM, Prescott RL, Smolowitz RM. 2023. Fecal and cloacal microbiomes of cold-stunned loggerhead Caretta caretta, Kemp’s ridley Lepidochelys kempii, and green sea turtles Chelonia mydas. Endangered Species Research. 10.3354/esr01220.

Munnelly RT, Castillo JC, Handegard NO, Kimball ME, Boswell KM, Rieucau G. 2023. Applications and analytical approaches using imaging sonar for quantifying behavioural interactions among aquatic organisms and their environment. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 10.1093/icesjms/fsad182.

Fuentes et al. 2023. Key issues in assessing threats to sea turtles: knowledge gaps and future directions. Endangered Species Research. 10.3354/esr01278.



Hatch JM, Haas HL, Sasso CR, Patel SH, Smolowitz RJ. 2022. Estimating the complex patterns of survey availability for loggerhead turtles. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 86(4):e22208.


Kot CY, et al. 2022. Network analysis of sea turtle movements and connectivity: A tool for conservation prioritization. Diversity and Distributions 28.4: 810-829.


Patel SH, Winton MV, Hatch JM, Haas HL, Saba VS, Fay G, Smolowitz RJ. 2021. Projected shifts in loggerhead sea turtle thermal habitat in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean due to climate change. Scientific Reports 11:1-12.

Siemann LA, Davis FD, Bendiksen TA, Smolowitz RJ. 2021. Scallop dredge design using computational fluid dynamics and flume tank testing and the application of both methods to improving a low profile dredge. Fisheries Research 241: 105998.

Robinson NJ, García-Párraga D, Stacy BA, Costidis AM, Blanco GS, Clyde-Brockway CE, Haas HL, Harms CA, Patel SH, Stacy NI, Fahlman A. 2021. A Baseline Model for Estimating the Risk of Gas Embolism in Sea Turtles During Routine Dives. Frontiers in Physiology, 12.


Crowe LM, Hatch JM, Patel SH. Smolowitz RJ, Hass HL. 2020. Riders on the storm: loggerhead sea turtles detect and respond to a major hurricane in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Movement Ecology 8: 1-13.


Siemann LAGarcia LMHuntsberger CJ, Smolowitz, RJ. 2019. Investigating the Impact of Multiple Factors on Gray Meats in Atlantic Sea Scallops. Journal-of Shellfish Research, Vol. 38: 233-243.

Yang TH,Haas, Patel SH, Smolowitz RJ, James M, Willard AS. 2019. Blood biochemistry and haemotology of migrating loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Northwest Atlantic: reference intervals and intra-population comparisons. Conservation Physiology 7: coy079.


​Leavitt JL, Huntsberger CJ, Smolowitz RJ, Siemann LA. 2018. The seasonal distribution and abundance of barndoor skate on Georges Bank based on scallop dredge surveys. Fisheries Research 199: 202-211.

Patel SH, Barco SG, Crowe, LH, Manning JP, Matzen E, Smolowitz RJ, Haas HL. 2018. Loggerhead turtles are good ocean-observers in stratified mid-latitude regions. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 213: 128 – 136.

Siemann LA, Huntsberger CJ, Leavitt JS, Smolowitz RJ. 2018.​ Summering on the bank: seasonal distribution and abundance of monkfish on Georges Bank. Plos One 13: e0206829.

Winton MV, Fay G, Haas HL, Arendt M, Barco S, James MC, Sasso CR, Smolowitz RJ. 2018. Estimating the distribution and relative density of satellite-tagged loggerhead sea turtles using geostatistical mixed effects models. Marine Ecological Progress Series 586: 217-232.


Huntsberger CJ, JR Hamlin, RJ Smolowitz, RM Smolowitz. 2017. Prevalence and description of Ichthyophonus sp. in yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) from a seasonal survey on Georges Bank. Fisheries Research 194: 60-67.​

Winton M, Huntsberger CJ, Rudders D, DeCelles G, Thompson K, Goetting K, Smolowitz RJ. 2017. Spatiotemporal patterns of flatfish bycatch in two scallop access areas on Georges Bank. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science, 49: 23–37.


Grimm C, Huntsberger CH, Markey K, Inglis S,  Smolowitz RJ. 2016. Identification of a Mycobacterium sp. as the causative agent of orange nodular lesions in the Atlantic sea scallop Plactopecten magellanicus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 118: 247-258.


Patel SH, KL Dodge, HL Haas, RJ Smolowitz. 2016. Videography reveals in-water behavior of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) at a foraging ground. Frontiers in Marine Science 3: 254.

Smolowitz RJ, Siemann LA, Huntsberger CJ, Boelke D. 2016. Application of Seasonal Closures to Reduce Flatfish Bycatch in the U.S. Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery. Journal of Shellfish Research, 35:475-480.


Siemann LA, Parkins CJ, Smolowit RJ. 2015. Scallops caught in the headlights: swimming escape behavior of the Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) reduced by artificial light. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72: 2700-2706.

Smolowitz RJ, Patel SH, Haas HL, Miller SA. 2015. Using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to observe loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) behavior on foraging grounds off the mid-Altantic United States. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 471: 84-91.


Ceriani SA, Roth JD, Sasso CR, McClellan CM, James MC, Haas HL, Smolowitz RJ, Evans DR, Addison DS, Bagley DA, Ehrhart LM, Weishampel JF. 2014. Modeling and mapping isotopic patterns in the Northwest Atlantic derived from loggerhead sea turtles. Ecosphere 5:122.


Smolowitz RJ, Milliken HO, Weeks M. 2012. Design, Evolution, and Assessment of a Sea Turtle Deflector Dredge for the U.S. Northwest Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery: Impacts on Fish Bycatch. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32: 65-76.​


​Smolowitz RJ, Haas HL, Milliken HO, Weeks M, Matzen E. 2010. Using Sea Turtle Carcasses to Assess the Conservation Potential of a Turtle Excluder Dredge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30: 993-1000.​


Smolowitz RJ. 2006. Sea Scallop Harvest Gear: Engineering for Sustainability. Marine Technology Society Journal 40: 25-29.​

Final reports

Final Report

Use the links below to access the final reports that summarize the research CFF has conducted over the years. Also included are the final reports completed by CFF’s predecessor Coonamessett Farm Inc. from 1991- early 2008.























1991-2008 (Coonamessett Farm)

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