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The Davis Bank East Benthic Survey

Project leads: Natalie Jennings, Luisa Garcia, and Farrell Davis

Funded by: Private donations

CFF is currently partnering with two Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) fishing vessels to collect benthic data in the Davis Bank East research exemption area in the Great South Channel Habitat Management Area. Bathymetry and substrate hardness are measured from a multibeam sonar survey aboard the F/V Tom Slaughter. A subsequent drop camera survey aboard the F/V Seafox is conducted to capture benthic imagery. These images are annotated as a ground-truthing method to characterize substrate composition and measure the diameter of rock particles present to the nearest cm. Epifauna including mussels (Mytilus edulis), bryozoan, and hydrozoan species, as well as megafauna such as Cancer species crabs and skates (Leucoraja species) are also noted in the annotations. 


The participating vessels conduct normal fishing activities in a designated area separate from the active survey area. Catch data from a subset of the fishing trips is recorded by a CFF scientist, including GPS location, bushel weights, species counts and weights, and surfclam and bycatch lengths. As this research is not funded by a federal grant, the surfclam fishermen agreed to a research set aside-like agreement, where they donate a portion of their landing proceeds to support the research analysis. Together, the benthic data and CPUE information will provide valuable insights regarding the extent of fishing effects within a highly productive and hydrodynamic natural environment.

Map of backscatter from multibeam surveys in Davis Bank East, with warm colors representing harder substrates and cool colors representing softer substrates.

Map of dominant substrate type in Davis Bank East. Dominant substrate has been calculated through drop camera still image annotations.

Still images from drop camera stations. (Top left) Station 87s - sand; (Top right) Station 96s - shell hash; (Bottom left) Station 52s -  mixture of sand and rock particles of various sizes; (Bottom right) Station 19s - clam shell and rock particles.

Clam Habitat Surveys
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