28th Annual Cape Cod Natural History Conference Presentation
Senior Research Biologist, Dr. Liese Siemann, shared CFF’s project about preventing seabird bycatch at the 28th Annual Cape Cod Natural History Conference - “Impacts of Baiting Practices on Catch and Bycatch in Gillnets and Design of an Effective Outreach Program to Minimize Seabird Bycatch”...
Species Highlight - The Great Shearwater (Ardenna Gravis)
Having one of the longest migratory journeys of any seabird, the Great Shearwater is found from the coasts of South America to the North Atlantic. These birds can be identified by their dark brown plumage on their back and stark white underside. They are often found gliding over the ocean’s surface or squawking at fishing vessels...
Seasonal Survey Wrap-Up and At-Sea Mini-Doc
The full Seasonal Survey Wrap-Up and the Project Final Report are now available on our website. Explore the findings and learn more about how science supports sustainable fisheries management.....
And follow along CFF’s At-Sea Research Team conducting Seasonal Survey research project on Georges Bank in an At-Sea Mini-Doc...
Jan 7 Presentation to the joint NEFMC Habitat PDT and MAFMC FMAT groups on DBE Survey Project
Natalie Jennings presented a research update to the joint NEFMC Habitat PDT and MAFMC FMAT groups on Tuesday January 7 about the ongoing research project in the Great South Channel Habitat Management Area on Nantucket Shoals...
Dec 18 Presentation to the National Academies Standing Committee on Offshore Wind Energy & Fisheries
Dr. Liese Siemann gave a presentation to the National Academies Standing Committee on Offshore Wind Energy and Fisheries about CFF's Department of Energy project focused on using non-lethal methods to survey wind farms. This research project is designed to evaluate the impacts of offshore wind development on commercial fish species and benthic habitats and communities using a suite of state-of-the-art non-extractive survey tools...
Sea Scallop Knife Handle Project: Podcast & Presentation
CFF's Fisheries Technologist, Farrell Davis, was recently featured on an episode of The Mason Mechanical Engineer podcast, hosted by Leigh McCue. In this episode, titled "If you can see it, you can build it"...
January 28th Presentation at the 2025 Northeast Cooperative Research Summit
CFF Research Biologist Farrell Davis was invited to present at the 2025 Northeast Cooperative Research Summit on behalf of Melissa Sanderson from the Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen's Alliance. Ms. Sanderson was the Principal Investigator of the two year Sea Scallop Research Set Aside Project Award titled: Sea Scallop Growth and Reproduction Research to Support Improved Resource Management...
HabCam Update
During the 2024 field season, HabCam v3 completed 22 days at sea, covering over 1,400 nm of continuous benthic monitoring from the mid-Atlantic through the southern portion of George’s Banks. The HabCam completed the second year of its multiyear system upgrade being newly outfitted with ...
Keep up with the data collected by our Marine Research team out on the Atlantic